This book is NOT about you getting rich TOMORROW, yet the ideals that are written within the pages of “Money Market Autopsy,” as well as the strategies that are taught in the Money Market Edge Consulting program, have the potential to help you get RICH after you learn, master, and develop the skill set to implement the strategies therein. This book is NOT about making money, “exactly.” If you are struggling to make money trading, you may think you have a money problem. In my experience in working with many traders, that is usually not the case. Unprofitable trading, losing trades and losing days are just symptoms of the “real” problem, a problem that is harder to see (the bad news), but easy to fix (the good news). If you are currently trading and experiencing more red than green, the real problem is that you don’t have a RELIABLE strategy that will allow you to identify, recognize and capitalize on concrete supply and demand zones. If you are a new retail day trader, your concentration should not be on how much money you can make, but rather, on becoming educated on market psychology – how traders think, language (chart reading) – how to understand the communication that takes place in the market place, and finally finding a mentor, teacher and coach that you can trust. THAT is what this book is about. This book will take you on a journey.
It will help you understand the structure of trading plan as well as convey to you how and why an efficient trading plan will make you more profitable, responsible, patient and disciplined. When I began trading, I had many red days, and it wasn’t until I surrounded myself with resources that had proven strategies and methods did I see the change that I ALWAYS knew was possible. Once you know the foundational concepts behind the Money Market Autopsy, I will dive into the core strategy and explore the building blocks that you will need to "realize" profit every single day from a Trillion Dollar industry. If you have never placed a trade and don’t know the difference between a limit order and a market order, or have been trading for years and you understand technical analysis and how to utilize the platform-tools provided by your chosen broker, this book can still be a vital resource for your trading success. When you implement these strategies and ascribe to the psychological approach that all of my successful coaching students/consulting clients have ascribed to, you have the potential to easily realize profits. Finally, you will be introduced to essential concepts and taught the 5 phases of a trade from entering a position to exiting the position. Participants in my Coaching and Consulting programs have been able to transform their trading and their lives as a result of learning the concepts and implementing the strategies that you will read about.